Check this short but really concrete interview, you'll know exactly who I am... ENJOY ! CHEERS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who’s Evolution MS ?BRUSSELS beatmaker - producer, in the game since 2005... Not a closed minded musician, I do all what I'd like to listen, underground in your face music but melodic and reprezenting myself 200%... So enjoy and let me know what you do think about my style...
Why this name?EVOLUTION because I like the word, that's mean going better every day, learn, ... that's also a unwanted thing, we born and we die, since these two days that's just ourselves who can make it interesting... MS: Motherf***ing Style, also a ultra violent gang name ;-)
Do you play live?I’m looking for my first live performance or DJ sets… I’m ready to do it so if you’ve got opportunities for perform don’t hesitate to ask me about it !
How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?Personaly I love share my music with a maximum of people for no money… Time are changing what can I say other ? Nothing, simply today we got technology to get in touch worldwide and really start something serious with this great weapon that is internet… 15 years ago, industry abused their releases prizes and more important, they always try to releases real shit music… And in 2009, at a critical point in musical industry crisis, just check the number of shitty albums released day by day that’s impresive and that make me laught everytime when I click on free download button ;-) Would you sign a record contract with a major label? Since october 2009 I’m official member of coast2coast mixtapes DJ coalition, that’s a new step in my carreer and I’m ready to this cool challenge.
Band History:Before doing sound, I was involved into hardcore and punk rock scene, I was doing a fanzine and after a real magazine avalaible in stores in Belgium during more than two years... But I was a bit alone to do and managing a full magazine (interviews, marketing, advertising, ...) and unfortunaly I didn't receive real feedback from good peoples involved in this musical industry... (only few names, they're all sucks, specialy the majors, and I was only in touch with press relation, that's scarry !) Since 4 years I do a lot of sound all alone by myself, the first year only like that, the second year I do my first real songs, and the last two years I try to learn and get my own producing style... I like to do everything, from hardcore rap to drum n' bass, music film style to reggaton... Experimented and mixing all the kind of stuffs (I've got more than 600 songs in my stock and I still do again and again). 2009 is actualy a good year… Back in January I released a double album of electronic music named ‘Cross the lines’… June I release couple of nice remix and receive lot of positive feedback and return for lot of people. In september I released a brand new E.P. ‘LOST CITY’ including nine great songs. Finally, in October I get signed with DJ Coalition of one of the best mixtapes website worldwide so serious things will start in 2010 for sure and I’m motivated and also excited about it !
Your influences?I really love a lot of artist from different horizons but one thing is clear I only listen quality music… My influences are from THE GAME, BLOOD FOR BLOOD, 3 SIX MAFIA, SICK OF IT ALL, THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS, RANCID, PLASTIKMAN, MADBALL, TEARS FOR FEARS, NECRO OR Arkangel (BXL REPREZENT) or THE SPEZIALIZTZ from Germany…
Favorite spot?BRUSSELS REPREZENT 4 LIFE… My other favorites spots are AMSTERDAM, PARIS, LONDON, MAASTRICHT,… But I’m sure NY’C and L-A are cool too héhé…
Equipment used:My heart, my voice, a 25 EMU Midi Controler and some samples, ... I’m official a ABELTON LIVE addict, for me that’s simply the best MAO software avalaible today. Soon I’ll buy probable NI Maschine, it looks great for music production.