Basicaly my first idea was not to post the link on my blogpage... One week ago I was talking about Music stuff with my lil bro Alex (16 years old) and talk about how use his computer in a interesting and funny way... Sony Acid X-Press Studio, FL Studio, Google Earth or Google Sketch Up are few exemples or what you can find for free on the internet so here's a first link (if you're not allready know and got it in your ownlinks list héhé...).
So, like that, I hope you'll enjoy this cool link and start make some noize with Slayer2 or Poizon synth... and after some practice, you'll join my mixtapes DJ-Producer Team haha... I don't use personaly FL Studio but his VST collection is definitively a great and usefull tool do produce some tracks... So enjoy and share this link... Cheers !
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